Thursday, October 25, 2007

Sango Character Info.

Sango is a girl who apparantley Miroku loves, even though he is a pervert(for you little kids out there, a pervert is a man who flirts with EVERY girl he sees..or a girl who flirts with every man she sees...just saying..). She has a weapon, if you can't see it in the picture above..her weapon is a giant boomerang. WOW was teh first thing I said when I saw a picture of it! She also has a cat named Kirara. I know most of you would think to pronounce it Ki-ra-ra, but NO Japanese has to be SOOO complicated. All the R's in Japanese are pronounced as L's. So, her cat's name is pronounced Ki-la-la. Kilala. If Sango shouts "KILALA!" Kialala will transform into a big lion-looking cat. Kilala can fly. We will talk more about Kilala on her post.