Kirara is Sango's cat. She can fly, and she has two forms. Battle form (above left) and normal form (above right). When she is in battle form (BIG!!), she can fly and has flames coming out of her feet when she does so. Kirara is truly an interesting character. Don't just think of her as the "Sidekick Cat" think of her differently...
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Kirara (Ki-la-la) Character Info.
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5:29 PM
Sango Character Info.
Sango is a girl who apparantley Miroku loves, even though he is a pervert(for you little kids out there, a pervert is a man who flirts with EVERY girl he sees..or a girl who flirts with every man she sees...just saying..). She has a weapon, if you can't see it in the picture above..her weapon is a giant boomerang. WOW was teh first thing I said when I saw a picture of it! She also has a cat named Kirara. I know most of you would think to pronounce it Ki-ra-ra, but NO Japanese has to be SOOO complicated. All the R's in Japanese are pronounced as L's. So, her cat's name is pronounced Ki-la-la. Kilala. If Sango shouts "KILALA!" Kialala will transform into a big lion-looking cat. Kilala can fly. We will talk more about Kilala on her post.
Posted by
4:14 PM
Kagome Character Info.
I am going to tell you about yet, another one of the main characters. Her name is Kagome. She is the re-incarnation of a priestess named Kikyo. That is why they look so alike (DUH). Kikyo and Kagome both have purifying arrows. They can shoot them at something, and what does it do? It purifies it! (no, it bakes a pie). Inuyasha loves Kagome, and Kagome loves Inuyasha back...but there is a problem...Inuyasha loves Kikyo, too...even though she is dead....and Kagome isn't too happy about that all the time. In the picture above, Kagome is shooting one of her purifying arrows.
Posted by
3:58 PM
Inuyasha Character Info.
I am going to tell you about one of the main characters in the TV show. His name is Inuyasha. He is a half-blood demon, and aslo half dog (if you can't tell by the ears). In this picture above, is Inuyasha himself, and his mighty sword, the Tetsaiga.
Posted by
3:54 PM
First Inuyasha--Land Post!
Hello everyone! It is I, Alice! I am making, yes, in fact another blog! It is ALL ABOUT the CartoonNetwork TV show, Inuyasha! if you have noooo idea what the heck Inuyasha is, please leave a comment! I will totally help you out!
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2:19 PM